Salisbury Lynching Memorial Task Force

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The Salisbury Lynching Memorial Task Force is working to facilitate the creation of a permanent monument in honor and solemn remembrance of the three American citizens who lost their lives at the hands of lynch mobs in Wicomico County. They are working closely with local organizations like the Wicomico Truth and Reconciliation Initiative, and national organizations such as the Equal Justice Initiative.
“The events which led to the deaths of these men represent the darkest, most despicable acts of which we are capable,” said the Mayor. “It’s not enough to tell the world that we’re better than these acts, and then just try to move past them. What we have to understand is that the scars left upon a community by coordinated acts of mob violence don’t heal overnight. They don’t heal over decades. They can only begin to heal when we acknowledge and address the reprehensible acts themselves. And, most importantly, the three men who died deserve basic human dignity. They were denied that. By erecting this monument, we are doing what we can to try to give it back. ”
Task Force Members:
Co-Chairs: Amber Green & Michaela Moses
Gretchen Nichols, Brante Dashiell, Bonni Miller, Phillip LeBel, Ajene Turnbull, Jahnae Wallace, James Yamakawa, Joseph Venosa, Neil White, Thomas Long (Intern and Support Role), Creston Long (Nabb Center Support Role), Stephon Mason, Jake Day