City Elections
The City Council has the power by ordinance to conduct and govern all aspects of elections, and the City Clerk as administrative support to the City Council is responsible for overseeing the City's municipal election process every four years as the liaison to the Salisbury Election Board and the Wicomico County Board of Elections.
Elections are held the first Tuesday of November, with the next election scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, 2027.
Contact information provided will direct you to the Office of the City Clerk.
The Salisbury Election Board generally supervises the entire election process in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and ordinances of the Council. Specific duties include enforcing Chapter 1.12.050 to ensure that it is complied with by all candidates for City Council, observing the polling locations, the opening of absentee ballots, and hearing contests concerning voting and the validity of any ballot.
The Wicomico County Board of Elections has been assigned certain City Board of Elections duties, powers, and functions in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter that enable the County to administer City elections. Specific duties include furnishing of certified list of voters, hiring of clerical assistance, absentee ballots except where specifically designated as duties of the City Board, registration of voters and public inspection of registration records, and such other functions of the City Board as are necessary for the conduct of elections.