From the Mayor’s Office and City Departments, Welcome to Salisbury!

In 2019, Salisbury was named the first World Kindness City in the U.S. and remains dedicated to promoting an inclusive and welcoming community for all residents. You may be aware that the City of Salisbury and surrounding areas are the home to many immigrant communities. As of 2018, 13.5% of the city’s population was foreign-born1, with Latinx/Hispanic, Haitian and Korean individuals and families being the largest contributors. The City is proud to recognize the economic, social and cultural contributions of the non-native residents in all sectors of our community.

In the face of COVID-19, many vulnerable groups, including immigrants faced disproportionate impacts of the public health threat, while other existing social challenges were brought to new light. Many of these concerns led to shifting priorities of local officials and community organizations to promote increasingly equitable conditions for all residents. Part of this effort is the convening of the Vulnerable Populations Task Force, a group of community leaders, to address the direct service needs and systemic barriers brought to light for traditionally marginalized groups in the larger population. As a result, the Mayor’s Office has gained insight directly from residents and service providers most impacted by the pandemic and other social challenges and is continuing to develop and provide assistance on initiatives to promote social justice and equity in Salisbury and beyond.

One identified area of need is access to information, recognizing that accessibility is a vital part of individual and familial success, especially for those who often face additional barriers. The Welcoming Guide is one step to increase information and resource access for new and established Salisbury and area residents, with special attention paid to immigrant individuals and families. This resource has been developed as a comprehensive point from which residents can begin navigating some of the systems essential to a healthy and successful life in Salisbury and the surrounding areas. Included you will find information about resident’s rights, resources and list of service providers in the area. It is our hope that this information improves access to vital support systems.

We sincerely hope you find yourself at home in Salisbury and take advantage of the resources and activities for yourself and your family.

  • Healthcare

    ● Healthcare usage, health benefit and health-related personal information must be kept private and confidential under HIPAA

    ● There are no federal, state or local laws that deny access to healthcare and health services or prevent a provider from treating patients based on documentation status

    ● Immigration enforcement will not take place in or near health care facilities and individuals should not avoid seeking medical care in fear3

    ● Immigrants with lawful statuses are able to buy health insurance through Affordable Care Act Marketplaces and other services. Undocumented adults are able to apply for eligible children and family members

    ● Immigrants who are permanent residents or those with other special statuses are able to apply for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program after living in the U.S. for 5 years. For more information, visit Maryland Health Connection

    • The 5-year ban does not apply to these statuses: asylees and refugees, individuals from Cuba or Haiti, lawfully residing child under 21 and pregnant women, victims of trafficking and veterans and other statuses
    • In mixed status families, undocumented members should be marked as not applying for coverage and will not be asked for their status
    • A Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is not required to apply for coverage

    These services are available to most undocumented residents:

    • Emergency Medicaid for patients with serious conditions
    • Infectious disease public health assistance (COVID)
    • Pro-bono (free) services
    • Health centers and hospitals
    • Family planning services, including prenatal and delivery care for pregnant women
    • Early Breast Cancer Detection
    • Mental illness and substance abuse treatment
    • State-run programs
    • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)

    Some health centers may use a sliding fee scale based on your income and ability to pay for services

  • Social Services

    ● Immigrants with lawful status are able to apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) after 5 year waiting period.

    ● Undocumented immigrants cannot apply for benefits, except parents are able to apply for SNAP and Medicaid for U.S. citizen children

    These services are available to all immigration statuses:

    • Food pantries and soup kitchens
    • Short-term shelter and housing assistance for homeless, runaways, abused or abandoned children
    • Crisis intervention
    • Child and adult protective services and abuse prevention
    • Senior food programs

    Independent agencies may have additional requirements.

  • Legal

    ● You have the right to remain silent and do not have to share your immigration status or other information with law enforcement, immigration agents and other officials5. You have the right to speak with a lawyer

    ● Always carry immigration documents, such as a work permit or green card. If you are asked for documentation by an immigration enforcement agent, you must show them.

    ● You do not have to open your door and ICE officials must have a signed, valid warrant to enter your home.

    Federal immigration enforcement will not be conducted at the following places:

    • Schools and school bus stops when there are children
    • religious ceremonies
    • courthouses (criminal charges and targeted individuals may be subject to enforcement)
    • hospitals and health care centers, including COVID testing and vaccination clinics
    • places of worship
    • public demonstrations

    Programs that will not impact receiving a green card or other immigration status:

    • Emergency Medicaid
    • Free or reduced cost health clinic services
    • WIC
    • Free or reduced cost school meals
    • Receiving a COVID-19 test, vaccine or treatment

    ● Non-citizen parents can choose a caretaker for their child in cases of deportation or detention

    ● Correctional facilities are not required to transfer undocumented immigrants to DHS in Maryland

    ● Undocumented immigrants can receive non-compliant driver’s licenses or identification cards in Maryland

    ● Discrimination in housing is illegal based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, families with children and disabilities. In Maryland, housing discrimination is also illegal based on marital status, gender identification, sexual orientation or source of income

    ● If you think you have been treated unfairly, including by law enforcement, you can make a complaint with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights

  • Employment

    ● Employers have to verify work eligibility but there are protections from discrimination based on nationality, citizenship or documents presented to establish eligibility and from retaliation or intimidation8

    ● Employers cannot discriminate in hiring or firing, threaten or harass workers or applicants

    ● All workers have a right to safe and healthy workplace

    ● If you make a complaint about work conditions, you should not be asked about immigration status and you do not have to provide that information

  • Housing

    ● All residents are protected from any form of unfair treatment in housing based on color, disability, familial status, national origin, race, religion, sex and marital status in the U.S. In MD, you are protected on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation in addition to the federally protected classes

    ● For more information on tenant rights in Maryland, visit:

  • Education

    ● All children, including undocumented, have the right to attend public schools and must attend

    ● Schools may not ask for a social security number unless they give a valid reason9

    ● School officials and staff are not expected to enforce federal immigration laws

    ● In Maryland, undocumented immigrants can apply for in-state tuition at public colleges and for some forms of state financial aid. To apply, visit Maryland State Financial Aid Application

  • Language

    ● Health care and insurance providers must provide translation and interpretation services. Agencies that receive federal or state funding must also provide these services

    ● Language services can be in-person, by phone or remote video interpretation and are required to be provided for free

    ● Individuals should not be asked to provide their own interpreter and using a minor is strongly discouraged

  • COVID-19 Information
    • For information related to COVID-19 and updates, visit, or on Facebook @CityofSBY
    • Many organizations have resources COVID-19 related relief
    • The Lower Shore Vulnerable Populations Task Force hosts monthly One-Stop-Shop events to connect residents to vital resources. For more information, visit @lowershoretaskforce on Facebook
  • Healthcare Services

    Chesapeake Health Care Group
    Several Office Locations

    Affordable and culturally-sensitive practices, including seeing patients of all immigration statuses. Multiple locations offer different services, including adult medicine, OB/GYN, mental health, lab-work, dental, pediatrics and pharmacy services (Delmarva Pharmacy)


    TidalHealth Peninsula Regional Medical Center
    100 E Carroll St, Salisbury, MD 21801
    (410) 546-6400

    Hospital that serves Salisbury area. TidalHealth provides resources for the community, primary care physicians and offers emergency care.
    24-hour emergency hotline: (410)-543-7160


    Women Supporting Women
    1320 Belmont Ave. Suite 402
    Salisbury, MD 21804
    Provides education and support services to those impacted by breast cancer including support groups and other resources


    Community Behavioral Health
    809 Eastern Shore Drive
    Salisbury, MD 21804
    1-(844)-224-5264 ext. 104

    Mental health clinic and related services.


    Wicomico County Health Department
    108 E. Main Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    Emergency Hotline: (410)-543-6996 Health-related services and referrals, including behavioral and mental health. The Medical Assistance for Families program gives health coverage to eligible adults and dependent children. For information, call: (410) 543-6944


    For Deaf and Hard of Hearing:
    (410)-543-6952 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm


    Migrant Clinicians Network
    225 N Division St Suite 302
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    A National network organization with programs to provide support, technical assistance and professional development to clinicians to increase access and quality of health care to reduce disparities for migrants. MCN also provides virtual case management to patients and communities to promote positive health outcomes.


    CASA de Maryland
    Bilingual Health Hotlines:
    (301)-270-8432 (Spanish)
    (240)-270-1318 (French)

    CASA provides case management assistance to increase community access to health care services. CASA assists with in enrollment in government benefits and health insurance programs. Education outreach provides information on preventative care programs.


    Shady Pines Adult Daycare SHORE UP!
    1929 Northwood Drive
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    SHORE UP! Inc. operates the Adult Day Services program at Shady Pines Adult Daycare. The program offers daily care to individuals with disabilities, ages 16 and up, and the elderly. Adult Day Services (ADS) has been operating since 1975, providing a safe, friendly place for clients to spend the day with well-trained, caring staff who will meet their needs.


    Life Crisis Center
    National Suicide Lifeline: 2-1-1
    Local Crisis: (410)-749-4357
    Text: Zip Code to 898-211 for chat and resources

    Life Crisis Center responds to National Suicide Lifeline and provides counseling, support groups and legal advocacy for victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse and child abuse. Life Crisis has a safe house for victims and their children. Outreach and education about suicide prevention, parenting and abuse intervention.


    Disaster Distress Helpline
    1-800-985-5990 or text ‘TalkWithUs’ to
    66746 to speak with a trained counselor
    For Spanish speakers” Call 1-800-985-5990
    and press 2 or text ‘Hablanos’ to 66746

    Crisis counseling and support for stress-related to natural or man-made disasters


    Community Outreach Addictions Team (C.O.A.T.)

    Connect individuals to addictions treatment and local resources.


    U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health

    Programs and resources to reduce health disparities for minority groups.


    Peninsula Mental Health and Addiction Services
    102 W Market Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    [email protected]
    Mental health and addiction services provider.


    Atlantic Psychological Practice
    106 Milford Street, Suite 104
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    Assessment and treatment of mental health services. Specialize in children, adult and couple services also offered. Has a sliding scale fee based on income


    Eastern Shore Psychological Services
    1113 Healthway Drive
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    Behavioral and Mental Health Services. Services are not denied based on inability to pay.

  • Social Services

    Tri-Community Mediation
    231 West Main Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    [email protected]

    Free mediation and conflict resolution services. Supporting individuals, couples, families and others having tough conversations. Tri-Community offers group training, presentations and supports the community through outreach and in coordinating the Lower Shore Vulnerable Populations Task Force.


    United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore
    803 N. Salisbury Blvd Suite 2100
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    UWLES creates and enhances opportunities for making a positive and lasting impact in Education, Financial Stability and Health, serving all communities in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. United Way collaborates with organizations providing support to 80 programs and community initiatives, impacting 1 in every 3 individuals on the Lower Shore. Direct programs include Imagination Library program providing a free book each month to any registered child ages 0 – 5 years. Visit the website to register: SingleCare (formally named Family Wize) offers saving cards to both insured & uninsured, reducing the cost of many prescription medications. Visit: for more information and to download a savings card. GetConnected is a free online tool for any nonprofit or volunteer in Maryland. United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore provides this service to connect local resources with local volunteer needs, because together we can accomplish so much more. Visit:


    Rebirth 4 Hope
    [email protected]

    Variety of community support programs. Focus on engaging the Haitian community through financial literacy, worker advocacy, radio station and opioid outreach.


    The Joseph House
    812 Boundary Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Crisis Center offers financial assistance for evictions, utilities and other financial concerns, food pantry, dining room with hot meals and a day facility for the homeless.


    Wicomico County Department of Social Services 8:00a-5:00p
    201 Baptist Street Suite 27
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    [email protected]
    DSS programs include:

    • Social Services to Adults
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
    • Temporary Cash Assistance
    • Emergency Assistance
    • Medicaid/Medicare
    • Child Support Services
    • Housing Assistance

    Emergency Assistance for Families and Children (EAFC) provides emergency cash assistance to pay eviction notices, fuel or heat. Child Care Scholarship (CCS) provides financial assistance to cover childcare costs for eligible families. For information, visit:


    Child and Adult Protective Services
    Wicomico County Department of Social Services
    If there are concerns about the safety or abuse of children or vulnerable adults, there are resources available. Child and adult protective services are overseen by the local department of social services and intervene in cases of abuse, neglect or maltreatment.

    Child and adult protective services are overseen by the local department of social services and intervene in cases of abuse, neglect or maltreatment. To report child abuse, call Wicomico DSS and select option #1, or call (410)-548-4890 after 5pm. To report adult abuse, call Wicomico DSS or 1-(800)-332-6347


    HOPE (Help & Outreach Point of Entry), Inc
    Wicomico Presbyterian Church
    129 Broad Street PO Box 5113
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    HOPE, Inc provides financial assistance and guidance on health and dental concerns, assistance with birth certificates and Maryland identification and referrals to rehabilitation services, personal support and medication assistance.


    Salisbury Urban Ministries
    326 Barclay Street
    [email protected]

    Salisbury, MD 21804 Salisbury Urban Ministries provides support for individuals and families in need, including Men’s Welcome Center for homeless men, Prescription Assistance, God’s Kitchen lunches on Saturdays, and Food Pantry

  • Disability and Accessibility

    Maryland Relay
    Call 7-1-1
    Voice/TTY (410)-767-6960
    Video Phone (443)-453-5970

    Free service for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking. MD Relay provides assistance to make it easier for those with difficulties to communicate.


    Maryland Department of Disabilities
    TTY 1-(800)-637-4113
    217 E. Redwood Street, Suite 1300
    Baltimore, MD 21202

    MDOD provides resources for Maryland residents living with all forms of disabilities. Services include:

    • Attendant Care
    • Assistive Technology
    • Housing/Community Living
    • Education
    • Transportation
    • Employment
    • Disability Benefits
    • Maryland ABLE savings accounts

    Aging and Disability Resource Centers
    Call 2-1-1 for assistance
    [email protected]

    Programs that provide assistance for older adults and individuals with disabilities


    United Needs and Abilities (UNA)
    688 E. Main Street
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    UNA provides the following services to individuals with developmental disabilities:

    • Residential
    • Personal
    • Mentoring
    • Vocational/Employment
    • Healthcare
    • Transportation, Financial

    Bay Shore Services
    1235 Pemberton Drive
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    The following services are offered to individuals with physical and developmental disabilities:

    • Employment
    • Residential
    • Behavioral
    • Community Supported Living
    • Respite Care
    • Individual and Family Support Services

    Bay Area Center for Independent Living
    Video: (410)-202-0208

    Promotes access to resources for individuals with disabilities and their families. Programs include:

    • Assistive technology
    • Vocational
    • Ramp construction
    • Counseling
    • Support planning
    • Therapy and recreation

    Deaf Independent Living Association
    M-F 9a-5p
    TTY (410)-742-5052
    806 Snow Hill Road
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    Services for deaf and hard of hearing individuals include:

    • Residential
    • Employment
    • Interpreter Referrals
    • ASL classes

    Maryland Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Administration
    Eastern Shore Regional Office
    (410)-572-5920, TDD (800)-735-2258
    926 Snow Hill Road, Building 100
    Salisbury, MD 21804
    [email protected]

    Services include:

    • Behavioral supports
    • Employment
    • Housing
    • Low Intensity Supports Services
    • Trainings
    • Transitioning Youth
    • Nursing
  • Food Pantries & Assistance

    Maryland Food Bank-Eastern Shore Branch
    28500 Owens Branch Road Salisbury, MD 21801
    (410)-742-0050 M-F 7:30a-4pm

    To find food pantries locally that are partners of the MD Food Bank visit:


    Salvation Army
    407 Oak Street Salisbury, MD 21804

    *Call in advance for hours and availability ID is required for food. Salvation Army offers assistance with rent, mortgage and utilities. Family Thrift Store offers discounted clothing and home items and is located at 215 E Vine Street.


    Telemon Corporation
    31901 Tri-County Way, Suite 112 Salisbury, MD 21804
    M-F 8a-4:30p (410)-546-4604

    Food Pantry available Tuesday 9a-12p and 1p-4p. Identification and proof of family size is required.


    Wicomico High School Food Pantry
    Food available to all WiHi students. Orders can be picked up at WiHi on select days. No personal information is required. To register: *Donations are also accepted


    Emmanuel Church Adopt A Block Food Distribution
    217 Beaglin Park Drive Salisbury, MD 21804
    [email protected]

    Adopt a Block Saturdays are held every 2nd and 4th Saturday each month from 8:30-9:30a


    Fruitland Baptist Church
    630 Clyde Avenue Fruitland, MD 21826
    Monday 10a-1p (443)-880-0217

    Food for Wicomico County residents only. Must have an ID to receive food.


    Salisbury Urban Ministries Lazarus Food Pantry
    326 Barclay Street Salisbury, MD 21804

    Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-12pm. Wicomico County residents are eligible for food once per month. To apply, identification, proof of income, residency and SNAP recipient proof needed God’s Kitchen serves hot lunches every Saturday from 11am-1pm.

  • Education

    Public School Enrollment

    All children are required to attend school and have the right to receive an education. Salisbury residents are districted to attend schools in the Wicomico County Public School System for K-12 To enroll your child, visit Wicomico County Public Schools’ website for registration forms. Complete the required forms and documents and email to [email protected]. Language line and limited in-person/phone interpreters available.

    Information required for enrollment:


    • Birth certificate, Social Security Card*, Immunization Records and Current Physical, IEP or 504 (if applicable) and transcript or current report card
    • *All children, regardless of immigration status have a right to public education and under federal law, SSN are not required for enrollment. If a SSN is required to written on the form but the child does not have it, you may put 000-00-0000.


    •  2 forms of proof of residency. For Home Owners, a Mortgage/Property Tax Bill and one of the following: current gas, water or electric bill that states the service address
    • For Renters/Lessee’s: Current rental/lease agreement and gas, water or electric bill that states the service address

    For more information and questions, contact 410-677-4400


    Wor-Wic Community College-Adult Education Program (Wicomico County)

    • The college offers academic preparation courses to those that want to obtain their Maryland High School Diploma Program and/or to increase their language acquisition skills by enrolling in the English as a Second Language Program. Additionally, we provide employment programming content in the adult literacy classes that focuses on workforce preparation and career development services.


    There are two ways that students can obtain their Maryland High School Diploma:

    1. To pass the Official GED® Test: Students can take classes to refresh their skills in Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Science and Social Studies before taking the test. Students must get a minimum of 145 in each subject area before being awarded the diploma. The test costs a total of $45 or $11.25 for each section. Students must register on or call 1-877-392-6433.
    2. To complete the National External Diploma Program that is an online self-paced portfolio program: This program is for eligible adults and out-of-school youth that obtain qualifying scores in reading and math assessments designed for adult learners.

    We offer Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced level classes for English language learners in the English as a Second Language classes. The content covers interpretive, productive and interactive modalities that focus on reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.

    Once learners successfully complete their educational track in the Adult Education Program, we provide them with transitional assistance to post-secondary education-credit and non-credit courses, job training and/or employment.

    Classes are FREE and are offered a hybrid format (in-person/online or virtual/online). For more information about the testing and class placement process for the Adult Education Program in Wicomico County at Wor-Wic Community College, contact us at 443-669-6373 or [email protected].


    Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library- Sponsored by the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore

    A literacy and kindergarten readiness program for children from birth to age 5. Free books are sent each month. To enroll:


    520 Snow Hill Road Salisbury, MD 21804
    (410)-749-9191 TDD: (410)-860-8800

    A Community Action Agency providing educational opportunities and assistance. Programs include GED preparation, skills training, financial education and coaching. Individuals and families may work with SHORE UP! to receive credentials, including a Commercial Driver’s License, Certified Nursing Assistant, or a Child Development Associate Credential. SHORE UP! also operates 13 Head Start and Early Head Start centers


    Head Start and Early Head Start
    520 Snow Hill Road Salisbury, MD 21804
    (410)-749-1142 TDD: (410)-860-8800

    Eligibility: · Birth to age 5 · Federal income poverty requirements · Families eligible for TANF, SSI or individuals with disabilities education act To apply:


    Wicomico Public Libraries
    Downtown Branch: 122 S. Division St
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    (P): 410-749-3612
    Centre Branch: 2300 N. Salisbury Blvd
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    (P): 410-546-5397

    Public library system that offers technology, education services and resources. Project READ is an adult literacy program focused on reading, writing and math skills to improve overall quality of life. For information about Project READ contact (410)-749-3612 ext. 159


    Rebirth Community Virtual School Support Center
    Langeler Memorial Building
    225 N. Division St, Salisbury, MD 21801
    Mon, Wed & Fri., 8am-2pm, 4pm-7pm
    [email protected]

    Support for students and family members navigating virtual learning. Center offers high-speed internet, tutoring, and computer lab. Instructors speak Creole, Spanish and English.


    English Language Support Center
    916 South Schumaker Drive Salisbury, MD 21804
    Email: Constance Donigan, [email protected]

    WCBOE offers the English Language Support Center, a program for high school students to receive grade-level content with the support of ESOL teachers and bilingual staff. Students must be enrolled in their home school before being placed in classes at the Center.


    Wor-Wic Community College
    32000 Campus Drive, Salisbury, MD 21804

    Adult education programs: · Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes · GED® Test Preparation · National External Diploma Program · English as a Second Language (ESL) classes Associate degree and Pre-Professional and Occupational Programs Short-term employment training.


    Salisbury University
    1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, MD 21801

    Admissions/Academic Programs:
    (410)-543-6161 or [email protected]
    English Language Institute:
    [email protected]
    Higher education programs. SU also hosts the May Literacy Center. English Language Institute at SU offers English language courses to ESL learners to promote a successful transition to the U.S.


    May Literacy Center
    Salisbury University
    Brian Flores-Director
    [email protected]

    Program that supports children’s literacy from kindergarten to 8th grade. Connects students and families with educational resources and provides tutoring for K-8th grade students.


    College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
    Nina Soto Ramirez-Director
    [email protected]

    CAMP provides assistance to students who are migrant or seasonal/temporary farmworkers and their children who are enrolled in their first year of undergraduate studies at Salisbury University. CAMP Scholars are provided financial, academic, and social/emotional supportive services to promote success.


    Computer Literacy Resources
    Online trainings to increase computer and internet literacy.

  • Legal Assistance

    Maryland Legal Aid
    201 E Main Street Salisbury, MD 21801
    9am-5pm P: 410-546-5511

    Free civil legal assistance to eligible residents. Household income must be below 125% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines to be financially eligible. United States citizens, lawful permanent residents and certain other categories of immigrants are eligible for our services. Your citizenship status is kept confidential and will not be reported to any government agencies. We do not handle immigration matters. Outreach to migrant agricultural workers in Maryland and Delaware regardless of their status. Scope of services offered will depend on income and immigration status.


    Midshore Pro Bono
    1118 East Main Street, Salisbury, MD 21801
    P: 410-829-0394,
    [email protected]

    Free civil legal assistance. MSPB has family and elder law clinics, consumer debt and housing and immigration assistance. Connects low-income residents with legal services to address matters of child custody/visitation, divorce, employment, power of attorney, consumer debt, landlord-tenant disputes and other civil legal concerns.


    CATA Maryland
    PO Box 4632, Salisbury, MD
    [email protected]

    A national farmworker support committee with an office in Salisbury. Promotes worker’s rights, immigration and food justice. CATA provides legal consultation services and immigration assistance. CATA promotes worker’s rights and food justice.


    Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service
    Phone Intake Hours: Mon-Thurs 9a-12p
    (800)-510-0050, Email: [email protected]
    Connects low-income MD residents with volunteer lawyers and community partners to provide free civil legal assistance. Online Intake:


    CASA de Maryland Legal Hotline

    CASA provides a variety of services to residents including legal services and citizenship support. Call the hotline to receive advice and legal referrals


    District Court for Wicomico County Self-Help Center
    201 Baptist Street, 2248A, Salisbury, MD 21801
    Phone and online chat: Monday-Friday 8:30am-8:00p

    Free help with civil legal cases. Lawyers are available to help with understanding court documents, preparing for court hearing, completing court forms, preparing for mediation, deciding what to do next and finding a lawyer. This service is provided to help you represent yourself and a lawyer will not represent you.

  • Housing/Rentals/Utilities

    520 Snow Hill Road Salisbury, MD 21804
    (P): 410-749-1142,

    Through the Housing Counseling Program, SHORE UP! helps with: · Finding decent, affordable housing · Budget and credit counseling · Pre-Purchase or First-Time Homebuyer Education · Post-Purchase Education · Default and Delinquency Education Energy efficiency improvements are offered to lower energy costs, and through the Energy Assistance program, SHORE UP! pays the current and delinquent utility bills for eligible individuals and families.

    Telamon Corporation
    31901 Tri-County Way Suite 112 Salisbury, MD 21804

    Emergency rental, mortgage and utility assistance.


    Wicomico Local Management Board
    125 N Division Street Room 101, Salisbury, MD 21801

    Promotes a safe, healthy and stable environment for children and families. Coordinate programming, including Rental Assistance. LMB provides community-based services and connects families with resources and services. Rental Assistance Program: (443)-359-2265 [email protected]


    Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County (HFHWC), (P): 410-546-1551

    HFHWC offers a broad range of income based housing services including: homeownership program, home repair program, Covid-19 rental assistance, and case management for families that want to access homeownership but need one-on-one financial counseling and information to improve credit scores. HFHWC partners with AmeriCorps and offers volunteer opportunities as well as social work internships. More information online or call for appointment.


    City of Salisbury Housing and Community Development Department
    207 W. Main Street Suite 102, Salisbury, MD
    (410) 341-9550, [email protected]

    Range of services, including the Housing First program that provides individual housing support to increase stability. Outreach and resource navigation assistance available.


    Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc
    560 Riverside Drive Suite A102, Salisbury, MD 21801

    COVID-19 Rental Assistance Available- eligibility requirements apply. Call or email [email protected] for an application. Housing services for homeownership and community development. Programs include; budget and credit counseling, homebuyer education, foreclosure counseling, closing cost grants, loans and property development.


    Affordable Housing Units

  • Youth Services and Programs

    Fenix Youth Project
    239 Florida Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
    [email protected]

    For ages 13-24 who are facing homelessness, Fenix Youth Project provides a range of services and referrals. Drop-In Center has resources and is open weekly. Fenix advocates for social justice and provides opportunities for youth to learn, educate and better the surrounding community.


    Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Eastern Shore
    200 W Main Street, Salisbury, MD 21801

    Mentoring program that matches children with volunteers, creating relationships that foster support to help youth overcome challenges.


    225 N Division Street Suite 204, Salisbury, MD 21801

    Education resources to children and young adults to increase successful lives.


    Salisbury Urban Ministries- Kid’s Cafe
    (410)-749-1563, [email protected]

    After school and summer program. Kid’s Cafe offers homework help, mentoring and other services for children.


    Wicomico Mentoring Project
    2424 Northgate Drive PO Box 1538, Salisbury, MD 21801

    Provides educational, social, developmental and recreational supports for K-12 students.


    EPOCH Dream Center
    202 N Main Street PO Box 218, Hebron, Maryland 21830
    [email protected]

    Mentoring, tutoring and other programs for children to improve academic, social and developmental growth. Year-round programs.


    Wicomico High School TRIBE After School Program
    [email protected],

    Tutoring for Wicomico High School students. Held daily from 3-5 virtually. To sign up:

  • Childcare

    To find Childcare in Maryland, call LOCATE: Childcare 877-261-0060

    For more information, visit:


    Childcare Scholarships (CCS) Childcare Scholarships CSS Central
    PO Box 17015, Baltimore, MD 21297

    Financial assistance with childcare costs to eligible working families. For information on eligibility and applications, visit:


    Child Care Information and Resources Lower Shore Child Care Resource Center
    Suite 500, East Campus Complex (Wayne and Power Streets)
    Salisbury University, Salisbury, Maryland 21801, 410-543-6650
    Child Care Information and Resources


    Child Support Administration Office of Child Support
    31901 Tri-County Way, Suite 101, Salisbury, MD 21801
    800-332-6347 (Customer Service), 844-324-3855 (Automated Customer Service and Payment Information)

    Every child has the right to receive support from both parents. The Child Support Administration works with parents to ensure the child is supported financially, medically, and emotionally. For more information:


    Office of Child Care Region 9 (Lower Shore Office)
    Maryland State Department of Education
    201 Baptist Street, Suite 32, 2nd Floor, Salisbury, MD 21801
    410-713-3430, [email protected]

    Childcare Licensing information:

  • Transportation

    Shore Transit
    (443)-260-2300 [email protected]
    Public transportation company on the Lower Eastern Shore. Shore Transit has existing stops and pre-determined schedules. Stops and schedules can be found online. For individuals with disabilities, there are additional resources available through Paratransit options. Application and eligibility required to schedule additional ride services. For more information:


    Medical Assistance Transportation Wicomico County Health Department

  • Public Buildings & Services

    Wicomico County Public Libraries
    Downtown: 122 S. Division Street (410)-749-3612
    Centre: 2300 N Salisbury Blvd (410)-546-5397
    Pittsville: 34372 Old Ocean City Road (410)-835-2353

    The Wicomico County Public Libraries offer a variety of services and programs for adults, children and families including: · Hotspot and technology loans · Free WiFi · Printing and computers · Books, movies and magazines · Online tutoring · Job search center *Services change by location. Contact your home branch for more information


    District Court of Maryland for Wicomico County
    201 Baptist Street, Salisbury, MD 21801

    District Court hears landlord/tenant, traffic and most other civil legal cases. For information on Maryland Court resources, visit:


    City of Salisbury Finance Department
    125 North Division Street Room 103
    (410) 548-3115, Hours: M 9a-12p, W 12p-3p
    Email: [email protected]

    The Finance Department accepts payments for City services:

    • Water/Sewer/Trash
    • Parking Tickets
    • Property Taxes

    To pay bills via phone: (888)-250-1639

  • Leisure/Recreation/Entertainment
    • Every month, local businesses, artists and organizations host ‘Third Friday’ in Downtown Salisbury from 5-8pm. For more information, visit Bring the family to explore vendors, local artists and enjoy the Downtown Arts & Entertainment District.
    • Like @DowntownSalisburyMD and @CityofSBY on Facebook for more information on activities for adults and families.
    • Wicomico County Public Libraries hosts and partners with local organizations to provide events for adults, youth and families on a regular basis. For more information, view the Wicomico Public Libraries Events Calendar Online

    Park Name and Information (All parks open dawn-dusk, unless specified)

    Salisbury City Park
    521 S Park Drive
    Salisbury. MD 21804

    Salisbury Skate Park
    926 South Park Drive
    Salisbury, MD 21801
    Open 8:00a-4:30p.

    Boundless Playground
    Broad Street and Poplar Hill Avenue
    Salisbury, MD

    Pemberton Historical Park
    5561 Plantation Lane Salisbury, MD 21801

    Church Street Playground
    Comfort Safety Zone
    522 East William Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Schumaker Park
    1019 South Schumaker Drive Salisbury, MD 21804

    Doverdale Park and Playground
    Decatur Ave and Johnson St
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Salisbury Zoo
    755 S Park Dr, Salisbury, MD 21804

    Woodcock Park and Playground
    803 Riverside Road
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Ward Museum
    909 South Schumaker Drive
    Salisbury, MD 21804

    Newton-Camden Tot Lot
    310 Newton Street
    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Waterside Park
    Fitzwater Drive and Parsons Road
    Salisbury, MD 21801

  • Flea Markets and Farmers Markets

    Park and Flea Market
    Downtown Salisbury, MD
    Route 13 and Main Street
    Saturdays and Sundays Hosted year round. Local vendors with clothing and home items for sale, produce, plants, antiques and more!

    Shore Fresh Growers Farmers Market
    Lot 1 near Downtown Library Branch
    106 Circle Ave, Salisbury, MD 21801
    @ShoreFresh on Facebook
    Hosted from the beginning of May through November. Local vendors have breads, pastries, produce, eggs, meat, honey, crafts and more!

    Camden Avenue Farmers Market
    1401 Camden Avenue Salisbury, MD 21801
    Tuesdays from 2:30-6:00pm
    @CamdenAvenueFarmersMarket on Facebook
    [email protected]
    Hosted year round. Local vendors offer produce, eggs, flowers, baked goods, jellies and more!