Resolution No. 2403 – Accepting an endowment fund grant from the Community Foundation of the Eastern Sh ore for the Salisbury Park Bandstand. Andy Kitzrow Jun 13 2014
Resolution No. 2395 – Adopting the ‘Stash Your Trash’ campaign as the official anti-littering campaign of the City. Andy Kitzrow Jun 13 2014
Resolution No. 2348 – Amending article XVI, Section SC 16-3 of the charter, permitting procurement preferences when authorized by ordinance. Andy Kitzrow Jun 13 2014
Resolution No. 2400 – Approvin gthe elimination of up to four parking spaces in parking lot no. 12. Andy Kitzrow Jun 9 2014
Resolution No. 2399 – Accepting the donation of services and landscapping materials from the Town and Country Garden Club Andy Kitzrow Jun 9 2014
Resolution No. 2397 – Adopting a Capital Improvement Plan for the five year period FY 15-19 Andy Kitzrow Jun 9 2014
Resolution No. 2394 – Setting forth Salisbury’s Commintment to Obesity Prevention Andy Kitzrow Jun 9 2014
Ordinance No. 2290 – Amending water and sewer rates to decrease by 2.5% making changes effective for all bills dated October 1, 2014 and thereafter. Andy Kitzrow Jun 4 2014