Disability Advisory Committee
The Disability Advisory Committee was established to ensure that citizens with disabilities in the City of Salisbury have equitable opportunities to participate in, benefit from, and relish the opportunities the community provides, such as housing, employment, transportation, communications, education, and entertainment.
The Disability Advisory Committee’s charge is as follows:
- To advise and assist the Mayor with developing, implementing, and maintaining an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Plan for the City of Salisbury.
- To serve as a resource for the Mayor and the City of Salisbury relative to issues involving the City’s compliance and/or concerns expressed by its citizens.
- To establish a means by which the people with disabilities of Salisbury can formally and efficiently express concerns relative to accessibility and accommodations.
- To advise and assist with developing and maintaining a depository of related information for all concerned citizens.
- To assist the Mayor, through advocacy, education, and referral, with developing a broader appreciation and understanding of the attributes of the people with disabilities.
(410) 548-3170
Location: 125 N Division, Room 306
2nd Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 3:00pm in GOB 306