Story Time at the Zoo

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Preschool children and accompanying adults are invited to join Wildlife Interpreters for an animal story and related craft project. Tuesdays at 10:00 am, March through September. Each month is a different theme and each week focuses on a different animal within the theme. This week's theme is the Great Horned Owl! This event is free […]

Story Time at the Zoo

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Preschool children and accompanying adults are invited to join Wildlife Interpreters for an animal story and related craft project. Tuesdays at 10:00 am, March through September. Each month is a different theme and each week focuses on a different animal within the theme. This week's theme is the Wolf! This event is free to attend.

Story Time at the Zoo

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Preschool children and accompanying adults are invited to join Wildlife Interpreters for an animal story and related craft project. Tuesdays at 10:00 am, March through September. Each month is a different theme and each week focuses on a different animal within the theme. This week's theme is Zoo Tour! This event is free to attend.

Spooktacular Halloween (For special needs families)

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Enjoy this very special, not scary Halloween event for special needs families. The event provides Halloween themed games, Education Ambassador Animals, and of course trick-or-treating around the zoo. We encourage the whole family to participate (adults can dress up too). Games: 4:30 pm Trick-or-Treat trail 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm (If siblings would like to […]

Not so Scary Halloween Happening

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Halloween Happening is the biggest Halloween event on the Eastern Shore. Sponsored by Gateway Subaru, the event provides Halloween themed activities for children 10 and under who may not want to participate in the scarier parts of a Halloween event. The event runs on Saturday, October 17th and Saturday, October 24th from 1pm-4pm. Children will […]

Not so Scary Halloween Happening

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Halloween Happening is the biggest Halloween event on the Eastern Shore. Sponsored by Gateway Subaru, the event provides Halloween themed activities for children 10 and under who may not want to participate in the scarier parts of a Halloween event. The event runs on Saturday, October 17th and Saturday, October 24th from 1 pm-4 pm. […]

Small Business Saturday

Support your locally owned small businesses this holiday season and save the date for Small Business Saturday, November 28th

Cookies with Santa at the Salisbury Zoo

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Take the kids to the Zoo and enjoy an afternoon with Santa. Along with cookies and a drink, kids will make a holiday craft. Call 443-944-0636 to sign up! Hurry! Limited spaces are available! $15 per child with 1 adult and $2 per additional adult. Zoo Membership Special: $10 per child with 1 adult and […]

Special Critter Christmas for Special Needs Families

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Join the Salisbury Zoo and Salisbury University students for an event specifically for children and families with special needs.  It will be an afternoon of holiday fun!  Make crafts that you can use to decorate your home or give as gifts.  Salisbury University Psychology students will be presenting a variety of accommodations to our standard […]

Critter Christmas at the Salisbury Zoo

Salisbury Zoo 755 S. Park Dr., Salisbury, MD, United States

Santa needs your help! Because there are so many people on the nice list this year, Santa has decided to set up a workshop right here at the Salisbury Zoo! At this workshop you will be helping Santa create over a dozen different craft projects to give as gifts, decorate your home and spread Christmas […]