The Salisbury City Council voted to officially purchase a building at 306 Newton St. The 3,700-square-foot structure, built in 1920, will be transformed into a community center. The Salisbury Youth Development Advisory Committee suggested the council purchase 306 Newton St. for the transformation. Part of the appeal of the building was its proximity to other community assets, including a playground across the street, and the Camden Avenue Community Garden being just steps away.
The City and Wicomico public school officials have made a deal to relocate Choices Academy and partner for a new community center. This partnership will result in the relocation of the Choices Academy to a permanent site and the creation of a new community center for youth with after-school recreation programs and health services on the property. Wicomico County Public Schools and the city of Salisbury worked together to select the property on Calloway Street as the ideal location for the Choices Academy and community center. The Board of Education has a signed contract on the 3-acre parcel. Settlement should take place in early September.