What to Look For
The City of Salisbury Fire Department conducts regular inspections of multiple residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. The goal of these inspections is to decrease the number and severity of fires and increase fire safety awareness. Fire violations are generally given 30 days to abate but more serious life safety violations are given less time to abate depending on the seriousness of the violation.
Below is a list of some of the fire code safety items the Fire Department is looking for during an inspection. You can use this list as a guide to assist you in identifying and correcting potential fire and life safety hazards in your building prior to your inspection. For more information call the Fire Marshal’s office at 410-548-3120.
Exit & Egress Doors
- Exits shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full instant use in the case of fire or other emergency. Remove obstructions from exits, aisles, corridors, and fire escapes.
- Repair and maintain interior and exterior lighting for corridors, stairways and exits doors.
- Maintain emergency power battery for exit lighting and exit signs. Maintain 2 bulb illumination at all times
- Exit doors may not be equipped with any kinds of deadbolt or latch which requires the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort to open the door from the inside.
- Extension cords shall not be used as a substitute for permanent wiring. Surge suppressors must be plugged directly into the wall receptacle. Large fixed appliances like refrigerators, table saws and other large equipment cannot be used with extension cords or surge suppressors.
- No wiring or cords may extend through walls, ceilings, and floors or under doors.
- Replace worn or frayed wires to minimize fire hazard.
- All electrical receptacles must have cover plates and exterior receptacle’s weather cover guards.
- Repair openings in fire resistive constructions around conduit. (walls, ceilings, unsealed chases)
- Minimum clearance of 30 ”inches in front of electrical panels
- Extinguishers shall be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition and shall be kept in their designated places at all times when they are not being used.
- Extinguishers shall be inspected at least once per calendar month.
- Extinguishers shall be serviced annually and after each use. (Must have valid service tag)
- Kitchen hood fire suppression system shall be inspected at least once per calendar month.
- Kitchen hood fire suppression system shall be serviced semiannually and after any system activation.
- Storage of combustible materials shall be orderly.
- Storage shall be maintained 2 ft. or more from the ceiling in nonsprinklered areas of buildings.
- In sprinklered areas of buildings the clearance between the deflector and the top of storage shall be 18 in. or greater.
- Combustible material shall not be stored in exits.
- Combustible material shall not be stored in mechanical, electrical equipment or boiler rooms.
- Dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 yd3 or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 10 ft. of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave lines.
Alarm Systems
- Inspection, testing, and maintenance shall be performed regularly by qualified personnel.
- Detailed records documenting all systems and equipment testing and maintenance shall be kept by the property owner and shall be made available to the inspector upon request.
- Inspection, testing, and maintenance shall be performed regularly by qualified personnel.
- Detailed records documenting all systems and equipment testing and maintenance shall be kept by the property owner and shall be made available to the inspector upon request.
- A minimum 36 in. of clear space shall be maintained to permit access to and operation of fire protection equipment, fire department inlet connections, or fire protection system control valves.
- Fire department connection plugs or caps shall be in place and undamaged.
General Requirements and Housekeeping
- Remove combustibles, trash and other debris from around the building’s exterior.
- Do not store ANY materials in fire systems equipment rooms including mops, brooms, boxes or any other combustible or flammable material.
- Keep storage, furnishings and merchandise three feet (3′) away from heat producing equipment to minimize fire risk.
- Repair holes in walls; replace ceiling panels and other breaches where portions of walls or ceilings have been damaged. This maintains the fire resistive integrity of your building’s original construction.
- No obstructions, including storage are allowed around standpipes, fire hose cabinets, sprinkler valves and hydrants.
- Keep designated fire lanes around your business clear at all times & maintain worn fire lane signs & marking.
- Building KnoxBox keys and contact information shall be kept up to date.
Occupancy Load and Address
- Every room constituting an assembly occupancy and not having fixed seats shall have the occupant load of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit from the room.
- Address numbers shall be legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property.