SALISBURY, Maryland — As part of Salisbury Public Works’ ongoing effort to keep the public informed of improvements within the City of Salisbury, please be advised that a private contractor will be affecting the flow of traffic at Moss Hill Lane from Middleneck Drive to Brittingham Street, Isabella Street from Division Street to Route 13, Middleneck Drive from Hammond to Deborah Drive, and Mill Street from Isabella to Route 50.
The milling process will start Monday, Nov. 6 weather permitting. The paving will start on approximately Nov. 14 weather permitting to approximately Nov. 20, barring any unforeseen problems and weather delays. Expect minor periodic traffic delays due to traffic pattern modifications between 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Also, street parking will not be available during the construction. Vehicles remaining during hours of construction are subject to towing.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Your patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated.
Should you have any questions or need clarification regarding this project, please contact Jon Wilson with the Salisbury Department of Infrastructure & Development at 410-548-3170.